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How To Make Use Of New Pings In League Of Legends

If you're an amateur or professional player in competitive games Communication with your team is crucial to winning games. As with any other competitive sport and this holds true for League of Legends as well. LoL requires you to come up with strategies and work together with your team to defeat your adversaries. Communication with your teammates isn't just essential in the development of strategies but is essential to warn your teammates of threats. And since many threats pop up suddenly and suddenly, using "pings" in LoL is extremely useful and efficient. There are many types of pings in the game. Recently, new pings were also added. In this post, we'll guide you on how to use new pings in League of Legends. We'll also help you to identify when and where they can be utilized. Let's begin.

What are the Pings in League Of Legends?

LoL Pings are messages players can send to their fellow players to share information. This information can include many important details, such as indicating an enemy champion's location or letting them know that you are retreating or you are about to join the battle. It is possible to provide the information directly to the player by clicking "ping" without interrupting the flow of the game. You'll not be able to complete an action if prefer typing. Whenever you want a full report on lol ping test, check this site out.

Your teammates will not have to listen to the distinctive sounds of pings. The unique voice will help them to know the ping you're alerting them to. This is why you must be aware of all the different pings in League of Legends.

Ping Types and Lol

To categorize pings within League of Legends, we can say that there are two types of kinds of pings: regular pings, which provide basic alerts, and smart pings which make more detailed and complicated pings. It is possible to think of smart pings as new pings in the game since they were introduced a short while ago.

Regular Pings

Basic Ping: To access basic ping simply press CTRL or G and then left-click. Although this ping doesn't provide any specific information however, if you utilize it correctly your colleagues will be able to comprehend the message you're alerting them about.

Caution Ping: Hold ALT or V, then left-click to turn on the warning ping. This is because caution ping does not specifically tell you anything, but you can use this to indicate to your teammates that there is something important about.

Do not forget that pings can be used directly on the minimap or the terrain. You can also ping a place which isn't even within your angle. For instance, if you believe that your mid-laner's about to get ganked, you can send a ping to mid on your minimap and notify your mid-laner.


The pings are more specific and complex. These pings are still very helpful because they instantly notify your team of any danger or movement. Instead of briefly going over the pings, let's take a look at these sophisticated (new) pings one by one.


To enable new pings in LoL it is first necessary to open the "smart menu of pings." Then, you can select the ping you would like to utilize. The menu can be accessed using CTRL/ALT/G or V, or left-click.

Nowall you need to do is drag your mouse towards the you'd like to use. That's it!

You might have noticed that this menu doesn't contain the "ward ping." This is because warded ping cannot be used by default. You can access the options menu on the client or game. After that, you can make use of hotkeys to access the "Communication section. Then, you can add a hotkey that will allow you to use the warded-ping. The warded ping will indicate that you think that the adversary has blocked the area of alerting.

Things to Keep in Mind

Now that you have learned how to use the new pings in league of legends, here is some tips to make them work:

Do not ever abuse ping on your colleagues. Even though you might be mad at your teammates when they feel like this the performance of their team will decrease drastically. It could lead to you lose the game.

Use pings properly. If you tell pingers that you are going to be there, but then don't show up , that could cause trouble for your fellow teammates. Not only that, but your teammates will lose trust in you.

If you're not sure to ping something and there is enough time, simply write the information instead of sending a ping. Sometimes, typing is better in situations where time isn't the problem.

Last but not least, you should use Pings often.

Your teammates are likely to be caught in traps if you see an enemy player hiding in the shadows and don't mention "enemy missing". Also, do not forget to ping"missing" whenever the opponent is seen to disappear from your lane as he may be getting ready to gank the other players!

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