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When it comes to learning French grammar, tips and tricks are just half the battle. The more difficult task is separating the threads that make up French sentence structure and agreement, and that requires two things: clarity and repetition. Check out this site to get an article source about french grammar exercises.

You need to be able to comprehend and apply French grammar to fully understand it. Do you have to learn French grammar rules straight from the textbook? No!

It means that you should try to find education materials that emphasize simplicity. That is avoid getting bogged down with long and complicated grammar explanations. In fact, you can easily and quickly learn French grammar at no cost. This means that 20% of your time must be spent learning the grammar concept and% should be spent practicing the subject.

These five online resources include this guideline for learning French grammar on the internet.
The French Grammar of Tex French Grammar
Tex's French Grammar is a fantastic resource for learning basic French grammar. The resource was initially developed by the University of Texas at Austin for students learning French. It covers a variety of important topics and is taught each day by Tammy and Tex The adorable Armadillos!

This is an extensive online grammar reference with tutorials covering topics like gender of nouns, verb tenses, pronouns, prepositions and negation.

Each grammar lesson includes an introduction and example of a dialogue with Tammy, Tex and their acquaintances. Each lesson also has fill-in the blanks exercises to help you practice. The "check answers" feature is also available to ensure that the students completed the exercises correctly. The best part is that the lessons can all be saved to an individual PDF, so you can access them whenever you need to.

French Easy Podcast (Podcast Easy French)
Podcast Francais Facile technically is a podcast. However its grammar lessons written in English (as as well as graded dialogues , or readings) make it a complete resource. Be aware that the website is accessible in French and therefore, those who are new to the language will need to do a little work to get around it.

Podcast Francais Facile lists over 100 grammar lessons. The lessons are organized alphabetically. Using the Grammaire (grammar) drop-down menu located at the top of the page, they can be sorted by difficulty from A1 to B2 according to DELF level.

Each lesson focuses on a particular grammar topic including prepositions, indirect and direct objects such as auxiliaries, (to be) and subjunctive.

The explanations of the lesson are concise and clear, while the exercises are multiple-choice or fill-in-the blank. Certain lessons are accompanied with YouTube videos.

The FLE for the curious (French as an International Language for the Curious)
Le FLE pour les curieux isn't just for interested French learners but for serious French learners too.

The grammar lessons here can be organized by DELF level (A1-B1) or by over-arching topic. Topics covered include conjugaison, verb conjugation, grammaire (grammar) and orthographe (spelling). This site is in French, but it uses more advanced language, so it's perfect for intermediate learners.

Although the explanations of the lesson could be a little longer than those in earlier resources, they are easy to follow. The associated exercises are multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank.

French Grammar in 145 Minutes
This next resource is a video produced by the well-known YouTube channel Learn French with Vincent.

This video covers all important topics of French grammar in a short time span, including numbers, words that are questionable and the basic verb conjugations. This means that you can quickly master basic French grammar in less than 2.5 hours.

Although the exercise in this video are focused mainly on repeating after Vincent's name, this resource is still valuable as Vincent gives helpful tips for pronunciation throughout. He also includes notes on liaison.

In France in France, the diplome national du brevet (National Diploma) is an examination that every student must pass towards the end of their year nineteen. This is a long-term test which requires students to learn extensively, which includes French, geography, and the history of France.

In the video, the teacher talks about advanced topics in French grammar conjugation like (the simple past) or concordance of the time. On-screen, fill-in-the-blank exercises follow the instructions. There are many other videos to watch to learn advanced French grammar to earn the brevet.

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