Jake Flowers


April 12, 2022 We tied the knot!

As you get older there will be changes in your brain and body. There are some things you can do that will slow the loss of your memory and lower the risk of developing Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia. Here are five tips I recommend to my patients in order of importance

Work out regularly
The first thing I advise my patients is to continue exercising. Exercise has numerous known benefits, and it's been proven that regular physical activity benefits the brain. Numerous research studies have shown that people who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from the decline of mental function and are also at a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Browse around this site to discover a full article about brain optimization treatment.

These benefits could result from increased circulation of blood to the brain as a result of exercising. This can counteract some of the normal decline in brain connections due to aging, effectively reversing some of these problems.

You should exercise at least once a week for between 30-60 minutes. You can walk, swim, play tennis , or any other aerobic exercise that increases the heart rate.

Rest comfortably.
Sleep plays a crucial function in maintaining your brain's health. There are some theories that sleep can help clear out abnormal proteins in your brain and consolidates memories, which improves the overall memory of your brain and health.

The goal should be to get 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. This is not the same as sleeping for three or four hours each night in small increments. Consecutive sleep allows your brain to consolidate and store memories efficiently. Sleep apnea has negative effects on the health of your brain, and could be the reason why it is difficult to get uninterrupted sleep. If you think you suffer from sleep apnea, speak to your doctor.

Consume a Sea dieting
Your diet plays a large impact on your brain health. I suggest my patients think about following a Mediterranean diet, which focuses on whole grains, plant-based food items, fish and healthy fats like olive oil. It is a lot less red meat and salt that the typical American diet.

Studies show that those who follow the Mediterranean diet have a lower risk of developing dementia to develop dementia than those who don't. More research is required to determine which components of the diet have the most impact on your brain function. We do know that omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in extra-virgin oil, as well as other good fats, are essential for proper cell function. It is believed that it reduces the risk of developing coronary artery disease and improve your mental concentration.

Keep your mind engaged.
Your brain is like muscles and you have to utilize it or lose it. There are a variety of things you can try to do to keep your brain in shape, such as playing crossword puzzles or Sudoku playing cards, or reading. You can also try making a jigsaw puzzle. It can be used to cross-train your brain. It is a good idea to incorporate other activities to increase the effectiveness.

I wouldn't recommend any of the paid brain-training programs available today. These programs may make promises that they cannot keep, or focus on memorization skills that aren't applicable to daily life. The act of solving puzzles or reading may provide your brain with a stimulating exercise. Don't be a slave to excessively on television, as this is an inactive activity that does nothing to stimulate your brain.

Keep active socially.
Social interactions help to combat stress and depression as well as stress, both of which contribute to memory loss. Find occasions to interact with loved ones, friends and acquaintances, especially when you are living alone. Research suggests that the solitary lifestyle to brain atrophy. Therefore, staying active in social settings could be detrimental and help strengthen the health care of your brain.

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