hyman ulrich


November 29, 2022 We tied the knot!

Utilize A Timer To Boost Productivity

Utilizing a timer to boost productivity is beneficial because it helps the ability to concentrate for long enough to complete difficult or uncomfortable tasks completed. I've been touting this method since my childhood. I was taught about it by my mom.

It's simple to set the timer to a time limit for the amount of time you'll need to be focused on a project and then begin to work. As the timer counts down, you should not be checking your emails or browsing the internet. Conversation with colleagues is not permitted. Only focus on the task at hand.

It turns out there's a name for this idea and it's called The Pomodoro Technique. The idea was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s, it's called Pomodoro because it uses an appliance timer that appears like the shape of a tomato. Pomodoro, which means tomato in Italian, is more interesting in comparison to The Tomato Technique. When you like a useful reference about online timer, look at this website.


The principle behind this technique is to break down work into 25-minute segments. This is called Pomodoros. It cannot be interrupted. Set the timer, and then focus on the laser beam. My opinion is that the most crucial aspect of this technique is the "no interruptions" aspect. If you want your "pomodoro" to be shorter or last longer than the 25-minute limit, do what you can to make it work for you.

This type of focus is useful for a variety of tasks. Write reports, respond to emails in a series and not excessively long, go through complex documents, make sales calls, and the list goes on. It is possible to concentrate on any project you are unable to do well at. This method is ideal for difficult tasks or those you tend to put off.

It's time to focus on the BREAKS

You could also use an alarm clock timer to remind you to break. In between each focus segment take a short 1-3 minute break to get up from your chair, put away files at your desk, review your To Do list, grab a drink of water and top off your coffee or stretch. During this time, do not strain your brain. Every couple of hours it's a good idea to take a break for longer. 5- 10 minutes, perhaps. You need to frequently take short breaks in order to be the best you can be.


To increase productivity, a kitchen timer is better than the apps on your phone. Within the brief amount of time required to locate the app, you will be distracted by a different app. It's incredible how quickly our attention span can change once the device is in our hand. It can actually reduce productivity rather than boost it.

It's also helpful to know if the sound of ticking from your timer is heard. It's important that the timer ticks indefinitely, as long as it's not slowing down. With a silent digital timer you might be tempted to check it periodically to make certain it's working. Again, it's a small but a risk of losing concentration.

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