Brandi Baker


John Schuitema III

May 07, 2011

Let me begin by saying I always knew we would be together forever..... that being said I never thought we'd actually get married lol.

When my dad lived near us we used to go over for dinner and drinks occasionally. Well we were supposed to be going over there and I found out my dad had a meeting at work. SO it was going to be me, John, my stepmom and the kids. Well John called and said he was going with some buddies to play pool. He didnt come home until really late and I was very angry at him. I went to bed without him and didnt get up when he came in.

Fast forward a week later it was March 6 2009, I was off of work and spent the day at my dads house. John was meeting me there after work to go out with some friends. I was standing in the kitchen with my dad and stepmom and turned around and John was down on his knee...I thought he was picking something off my pants or something. He asked me to marry him (which he did a few times jokingly) and I told him to "Shut up and get off the floor" ..... then he pulled out the ring and I started crying and eventually said "yes". Its a huge joke now when people talk about it they say "Ya John asked her to marry him and she said shut up" lol

Well the night he went out with his buddies playing pool he really met my dad out and asked him if he could marry me. Then those two drank and played pool. He was going to ask me at dinner with both of our parents but the day he bought the ring he couldnt wait to give it to me :)

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