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The Importance Of Mental Health Services

Mental Health Services: The Importance of Mental Health Services A lot of people suffer from mental health problems that could be as severe as the most serious physical ailments. Most of these people are able to enjoy better quality of life with professional help from atlanta mental health treatment. However, for many, assistance isn't forthcoming, as they are either unable to find assistance or do not have access to it.

How prevalent is mental illness?

According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) roughly one-fifth of Americans suffers from a mental illness every year. What's more, about 10% of people suffer from serious mental illness that interferes with some or all of the major activities.

From schizophrenia to bipolar disorder There are many kinds of mental health issues which can make everyday life almost impossible. A lot of Americans suffer from depression, anxiety, or addiction. In reality, the NAMI estimates that, every year, more than 18 percent of the U.S. population experiences obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder or specific phobias. NAMI figures show that more than 20 million Americans suffer from a substance abuse disorder. Over half suffer from co-occurring mental disorders.

Inattention to treating the issue can have devastating consequences.

People with mental health problems may find it difficult to live a normal life. However the issues could have a greater impact on society as a whole and can be particularly detrimental if they go untreated or when treatment is delayed. These statistics are taken from NAMI.

Mental illness that is serious and debilitating costs the U.S around $193.2 billion in lost earnings each year.

Patients who are between the ages of 18 to 44 are the most likely to be admitted for mood disorders, such as depression or bipolar disorder.

The majority of people suffering from mental illness are about 25 years older than those who do not have it. This is largely because there are a variety of treatments.

Students with a mental illness quit high school with a rate of 37 percent.

Over 90% of the suicide victims are children who have mental illness.


Mental health care can help reduce health care costs by intervening promptly and freeing resources. Research shows that people who receive treatment for mental illness are less likely to use medical services. A atlanta mental health treatment can also lower the risk of chronic illnesses caused by stress, anxiety and substance abuse.

The most important thing is that mental health care services save lives, and also improve the outlook for people who feel depressed and lost. Consult an expert in mental health if you suspect you are suffering from mental illness.

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