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February 19, 2023 We tied the knot!

Here Are Some Guidelines To Help You Select The Appropriate Features For Your Home

Should you purchase a property with a swimming pool, gym, or park? It is difficult for buyers to know which amenities are necessary and which ones can be removed. A builder will offer home buyers facilities as an essential aspect of any residential project. While some amenities are essential, like a security system, elevators, some certainly take a backseat varying between individuals. In case where you wish extra resources about real estate, sneak a peek at this site.

Buyers have different needs. Thus, buyers need to first evaluate their needs and compare them to the services in the micro-market, and then examine the amenities that the program offers. This is the most effective way to decide on a product.

Amenities and its impact on home buyers

It's not correct to assert that amenities aren't a factor in buyers' decisions. But, if a home features an outdoor and indoor gym, pool or parks, they requires regular maintenance, and add to the home owner's total monthly expenses. Many buyers ask for these amenities when they purchase the property.

Before purchasing a house, buyers need to make a list of essential and less important and necessary features. Also, they should conduct an analysis of costs for certain projects prior to agreeing to buying something that they will never use.

What kind of amenities should you pick?

The list of amenities widely accepted as necessary or optional for the prospective homebuyers are:

Essential amenities:

Parking for cars

Security services

Water supply


Power backup

24/7 maintenance

Additional amenities available:

Swimming pool


Walking/jogging track

Play area

Club house

Rooftop garden

Open deck

Sky lounge

Spa and salon

Concierge services


Party hall

Place for religious and temple activities

Cinema hall

Important vs avoidable amenities

It is important to consider the financial capacity of the buyer and whether they are willing to spend more for certain facilities. A home buyer who is financially stable may be content with a basic home that lacks any extra features, while the buyer who is a high-end one might need more than what is already included in a project. For instance, a swimming facility, gym, club house, spa bar, spa, etc. could fall under the list of things to avoid for homebuyers with low budgets. However, for home buyers in the high-end segment, these might be essential requirements.

Don't take the things you don't know.

The selection of amenities should be evaluated on the basis of individual preferences, requirements accessibility, affordability, and exclusivity. Amenities always add some costs that are fixed or variable to the property. this may impact the value of resales real estate.

Bottom Line:

The most important aspect of any property is the amenity bundle it comes with. This can make or break the deal. It is crucial to perform an analysis of costs before finalising on any choice to ensure you find the most price.

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