Brynlee Todd


August 16, 2022 We tied the knot!

Certain people are quick to make a choice and go on. They rarely take a look back. Some people tend to take longer, and aren't able, or unwilling, to take swift decisions. For those of us who decide quickly it can be a hassle waiting for others to make a decision. It can be stressful for people who are taking longer to reach decisions. Once you aim for a knockout post on roll a d20, check this site out.

Let's take a look at the most frequent or routine choices we make each day. It is best to save the most vital, potentially life-altering ones for another article.

Most of these decisions are easy, however the ones we prefer to defer may be more complicated. But, why do some of us take these more complicated decisions in such a short time, while others are stuck?

Perhaps it is as simple as people fear making the wrong decision. I remember many years ago getting stuck when an important decision landed on my desk. Much of my issue was fear-driven. I did not want anyone else to consider me a bad decision-maker and I certainly didn't wish to make a bad decision.

As time passed, I discovered a better way to make decisions. The anxiety went away and I was able to climb the corporate ladder faster. How did I make this transformation? By having a great mentor and by pursuing my studies decision making while getting to know myself better.

Deciding more quickly
When I was younger I had a wonderful boss who asked me a few simple questions that have stuck in my mind ever since. When he noticed that I was struggling to make an important decision, he asked, "What's the worst that could occur?" and "Can you live with it?" In the beginning I asked these types of questions frequently. Each one was addressed by me as I thought about it.

I added another question. I asked me, "What's the best outcome that can be achieved?" This added further to my ability to take the decision in a positive way.

If I knew that a delivery was bound to be delayed, I would stall and wait until the last moment to call them. It was a poor approach as I had to carry the weight of knowing I'd need to make the call at some point. My attempts to avoid and delay having to face the consequences caused an abundance of stress in my life. It was easier to contact customers as I discovered we were late.

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