Mccullough Barton


June 27, 2022 We tied the knot!

Selecting The Perfect Wood Stain

This is where design becomes really interesting. You're probably thinking What was she saying? Was she talking about wood stain selections as exciting? Yes! Yes! Now, that's interesting.

How do we begin? Begin by taking a deep cleansing breath. Since stains are permanent, it can be daunting to pick. There are a lot of ways to change it in the future however none are straightforward. It is best to ensure that everything is in place prior to you begin. That's why we're here to help. This post will share some of the stain-related knowledge I have accumulated through formal design studies along with on-site experience, as well as plenty of trial and error. Visit this link: for details.

Wood is a natural element.
Wood is alive, just like all natural products. Every species comes with its own distinctive characteristic. Walnut, for instance, is light and durable. Cedar can be soft and knotty. Maple is extremely hard and has an uniform grain. It is essential to note that every wood species has a different porous structure, rate of absorption, age, and original color. The characteristics of these woods can differ from one piece of wood to another! The purpose of this article isn't to scare you, but rather to introduce the necessity to be aware of the peculiarities of each piece of wood that you are looking to stained. As with nature, just when you think you've figured it out, wood may surprise you.

Consider the environmen
It's important to consider the design elements surrounding the space, in addition to the intricate details of staining the wood. Paint, decor colors, natural and synthetic light, as well as different wood textures, types and colors are all important. A stain applied to yellow colors absorbs the color and a blue-grey stain that is placed on red woods will reduce the color. It is essential to have a variety of samples to determine the ideal stain.

Try a range of stainings
Here's evidence: We conducted a test of eight popular stains (courtesy Sherwin Williams) using six kinds of wood blocks (provided to us by 38 Woodwork). Although there are many stain colors to pick from, Sherwin Williams is my preferred brand and they're my top colors for a variety of projects. Take note of how each stain reacts to the different wood types, including the way it affects or mutes the natural grain of the wood. The stain is displayed in the block's top portion. The bottom part illustrates how it was diluted by using paint thinner or water for water-based Charwood.

The science of color theory along with the wood's natural characteristics and how the stain will look together are all factors that go into choosing the right stain. You want to create an overall design scheme that is both purposeful and visually appealing. We hope that you will find this procedure less difficult and more manageable.

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