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Consider These Factors Before Making A Huge Decision

The key to making better life and business decisions is pretty easy to do. You must ask yourself more questions.

When you live a super busy life it's easy to get overwhelmed by inventing and making and doing things constantly.

You'll be more efficient, streamlined and productive when you work.

You know what you, along with humanity as a whole, aren't great at? Noodling. Marinating. Pondering.

And that's an important ability when it comes to big life decisions. To make informed decisions and make smart decisions, you need to be able both to think critically and consider the options from various angles prior to making a decision.

These eight factors can help you make an informed decision on whether you'd like to accept a job offer or even launch a new product to the market. They are inspired by Tony Stoltzfus’ book "Coaching Questions A Coach's Guide to Powerful asking skills."

1. Rationality

First, run this decision through the rational and analytical part of your brain. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of each option. In making a decision about whether or not you want to accept a job offer, you might consider "more cash" as well as "less time spent at work" as advantages. Whenever you wish for additional hints about decision making, check out this site.

2. Intuition

If you are unsure between multiple options, your intuition is one of the most effective decision-making tools. For a moment, just concentrate on your intuition and stop thinking about other things. Take a moment to sit in silence for a few minutes and consider the decision. What feelings bubble up? Are they happy ones? or the heebie jeebies?

3. Relationships

If you're single or married, have kids or don't have children, live by yourself or with six roommates Your choices affect people closest to you. To help you make the decision you're about to take, think about how your decision could affect those around you.

For instance, will the new job result in less time spent with your spouse? Also, could it cause your husband to be fired due to the increase in the pay?

4. Alignment

Or you won't feel like you've made the right decision. Before you can determine whether your choice is in alignment with the things that matter most to you, it's important to determine your passions and values, as well as your priorities. Then, make an outline of the ways that your decision aligns with (or does not align) with these things.

5. Counsel

You're clear about how your decision will affect other people in your life. But what do these people think of how the decision you're about to make will affect you? Discuss your options with your spouse or family members, your friends, colleagues or mentors as well as coworkers. What do they think?

When you are accustomed to working at million miles per hour, it can be difficult to reduce your speed. It is important to set a timeframe for your decision so that you have time to consider all the choices. This way, the persistent part of your brain as well as anyone waiting on your decision, such as a potential employer will know that a deadline is in sight, giving yourself the time to explore your options before settling on the best, truest one.

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